How Senior Health Care Changed in 2020

How Senior Health Care Changed in 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has drastically changed the norm for seniors in society. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on senior health care has been vast, with a significant demand for home care due to the family’s wanting to keep their loved ones out of assisted living facility and nursing homes.

How will this change the way health care for seniors will change in 2021 and after? Will things remain the way they are, or will there be a paradigm shift in the way health care services will be provided in the future?

With 2021 on the horizon, we will all find out soon. As the world gradually heals following 2020, there will be changes in how healthcare providers interact with seniors in Florida and the world at large. Many families who had aging loved ones in senior health care facilities were prevented from seeing their loved ones or share their final moments as many facilities were placed on lockdown. Many of these families suffered emotionally and mentally as they worried about the safety of their aging loved ones.

Jewish Family Home Care examines how these realities will shape senior healthcare in the coming years.

The New Trend in Senior Health Care

the new trend in senior health care

The year 2021 will witness an increased demand for in-home senior health care services. Many families would love to have their senior loved ones remain at home with the assistance of having others provide them with needed quality health care services in the comfort of their home.

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the weakness of facility living. As we age and develop health conditions, we become increasingly vulnerable to contagious diseases. Living in a facility where virus’ and bacteria can easily spread can undoubtedly create a disastrous outcome.

Access to Family

access to family

The ability to receive quality health care at home allows families to spend time with their elderly loved ones without the isolation and loneliness a facility may bring. Having family and familiar faces around has proven to play a significant role in the health and happiness of seniors.

Most seniors say the prefer living in a situation where they are able to see their families regularly. You and your loved ones can rest easy knowing they are in the hands of experienced, compassionate and friendly professionals. Jewish Family Home Care offers quality non-medical home care services for seniors as well as the opportunity to retain friendly and family connections in the comfort and safety of their homes.

Changes in Policy

changes in policy

As of 2021, seniors should expect policy changes regarding the provision of Medicare. Specifically, more people may be granted eligibility to access Medicare. For example, the Improving Care Planning for Medicare Home Health Services provision of the CARES Act now allows individuals under the care of physician assistants and nurse practitioners to get coverage under Medicare.

Such a policy immensely benefits independent seniors and the Senior Health Care industry. It would allow many people to afford home healthcare services, especially during periods of economic instability, such as those during various stages of the coronavirus pandemic.

Ongoing healthcare for seniors in 2021 and the years to come will shift from having more people congregate in nursing facilities to having an increase in the demand for in-home health care services for seniors. More people will also have access to Medicare since provision may be given to people who have home care nurses and physicians looking after them. Thankfully, this means that seniors in south Florida will have better access to quality home care, such as that from Jewish Family Home Care, the leading provider of Sunrise home health care and care throughout the surrounding areas.